BioTrode Technologies
1127 N 28th Pl Renton, WA 98056
WA (425) 277-5121

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About Us

It was in 2008 that we decided to build a better mousetrap, so to speak, for a Biofeedback Head & Limb Harness that would work better than the current one we had for use with our Biofeedback devices. Don is the engineer and the master mind who figured out a better material and construction. It is a better system than the conventional sets that came with the original device. The conductivity of the rubber electrodes is superlative in comparison, combined with the unique ability to unsnap the limb straps from the limb wires. Connecting with the device is most important.


BioTrode™ Technologies

  • +1(425)277-5121
  • 1127 N 28th Pl Renton, WA 98056
  • Email Us

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